Fixes incorrect reporting of the active tab in Internet Explorer 11 when using ZoomText scripting.Fixes crashes that occurred in various applications when StormShield antiviral software was active.ZoomText’s preference settings are preserved when reinstalling ZoomText over an existing installation.This ZoomText 10.11.8 update also provides the following fixes: Note: This fix requires that your installation of Windows 10 Creator Update has received the 1704D service update (from Microsoft), which is scheduled for release this month of May 2017. This update provides support for installing and running ZoomText 10.1 in Windows 10 Creators Update. I used the below command line switch where I had installation issue while doing a unattended deployment on Windows 7 (64-Bit).A free update for ZoomText 10.1, version 10.11.8, is now available. ? - Display command line switches and descriptions. Niuninst - No user interface (silent uninstall) Niruninst - No user interface (silent uninstall) and reboot when done. Ulockdown - Assumes uwdisable, nodpc, and eroff Nodualmonprompt - Disable dualmon promptĮroff - Disable Internet Error Reporting Nodpc - Disable Download Program Components Nointl - Install as domestic (US English) - Ignored for product installs Imsr - Install as Magnifier/Reader - Ignored for product installs Im - Install as Magnifier - Ignored for product installs

Id - Inspect setup dialog boxes (to help localization). Follow 'asures:' with name (with or without quotes) Follow 'asn:' with 14 digit serial number (no dashes in serial number)Īsures: - Qualified file name of localized setup resource dll. Ignored if installing over activated product.Īsn: - Ai2 serial number. Follow 'p:' with full path (without quotes). P: - Path where ZoomText is to be installed. Ns - No self-voicing dialogs (in case of incompatibilty issue) Ndcm - No dcmsetup.exe (in case of incompatibilty issue) Novls - Option - disable Vista logon support Ndc - skips zt driver configuration in the registry

Nir - No user interface (silent install) and reboot when done. You have to use the setup.exe available under ztseup folder. Below are the Default Command Line Switches which the Vendor Provided setup will display when you run "Setup.exe ?".